Data types in Flutter (Dart)
Quick overview of the Dart data type available in Flutter. It is important to define data types when working on a Flutter application. This helps to write clean code and to improve code readability.
Quick overview of the Dart data type available in Flutter. It is important to define data types when working on a Flutter application. This helps to write clean code and to improve code readability.
React Hooks are functions that facilitate the access and management of React’s state, props, context and lifecycles. The article reviews key APIs to React’s core features.
Flutter is a multi-platform framework built by Google and used to develop native applications for web, mobile and desktop from a single code base. Here we review key ideas, concepts and introduction Tutorials to Flutter.
Canonical has released a new version of Ubuntu. This articles covers how to update to Ubuntu 21.04 - Hirsute Hippo and what are the new features of Ubuntu OS.
This article covers the basics of Dart, a programming language developed at Google. With a C-style syntax, Dart can be used to develop mobile apps, web application as well as desktop applications. The first step to learn Flutter is to understand its base.
Quick introduction to Kotlin programming language: what is Kotlin used for and which are the benefits of developing in Kotlin. This article covers the basic use cases for Kotlin and why it is so popular.
Github announced its deprecation of user passwords for all Git operations. Git operations that use authentication will require the use of token-based (GitHub User Access Token). The motivation behind this decision from GitHub is to increase user’s security from malicious attackers.
What are the top JavaScript Frameworks that you should be looking for in 2021? This article provides a list of the most commont frontend frameworks to use on a JavaScrtipt project.
This article reviews what are programming paradigms and how they can be used. It provides insights of the different programming styles and techniques that can be used to solve common programming challenges.
What is code reusability? This article reviews the concepts around code reuse and how to apply them to software development.
Easy steps to configure a Git repository and change the Git user name and email. A review of git's config object and how to retrieve information from a git repository using the git config command.
How to implemenet Hexagonal Architecture design pattern in software applications. Review of concepts to build software apps that are easy to maintain and scale.
The SOLID principles are used to improve code reusability and help to maintaining a clean software architecture. There are 5 principles that stablish a set of rules to design a well-organised software system.
What is Domain Driven Design and why it is important to define a clear terminology? This article covers the key aspects of developing software following best practices of Domain Driven Design.
Updating Angular projects on a regular basis is very important. This article covers how to update Angular to version 11 from version 7. It also provides information about new features on Angular 11.
Overview of the SQL Join clauses: Inner, Left, Right and Full joins. How to join two or more database tables and how to group them using Group By. What are aggregate functions in SQL and how to Union multiple SQL queries.
10 Examples of recursive functions in Javascript. From a basic linear summation to more complex problems such as the Sieve of Eratosthenes or the Pascal Triangle. Code functions are provided with working examples.
Why you should favour object composition over class inheritance. A Comparison of these object-oriented techniques and their use cases in software development.
Environment variables are key to Software Development applications. This article reviews best practices for creating environment variables in Python.
A look out to Python's virtual environments. Why are they useful and how can be used in software applications to install Python packages using Python Package Index (PyPI)
A basic overview of Redux, an open-source JavaScript library for managing and updating an application state. A dive into its actions, APIs and tools for state management of modern applications.
Fast, unopinionated, minimalist web framework for Node.js. The post covers best practices for developing Node.js applications on top of the Express JS web framework.
A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
PM2 is a process manager for node.js applications. A powerful tool that will facilitate common system administration tasks for node apps.
Angular is one of the most advanced JavaScript frameworks at the moment. Been able to create nested routings based on modules is key to design an easy to scale Angular application.
The twelve-factor app is a methodology used to build software-as-a-service apps that are easy to scale up without significant changes to tooling or architecture.
A basic but helpul introduction to Algorithm Complexity Analysis. An overview of tools for analysing algorithms and representing their complexity.
4 easy steps to change author name of a commit after push. Learn to use the rebase command and differences between git rebase and git merge.
Steps to compile an Angular application into a single bundle. An overview of the types of Angular compilation bundles and ways to cache bust an Angular application.
Introduction to the JWT, a self-contained and secure way to transmit information between a applications and services across the network.
Basic learning of how to use build-in tools provided by Angular in order to create components after an application has been loaded.
Data modeling is the practice of translating an information system into models in order to represent its internal structure. It often involves the use of diagrams and schemas to represent data flow across a software application.
Basic overview of the TypeScript and ECMAScript 6 models. An example of use case to exemplify the use of models in external classes.
Understand the basics of Angular routing and review core concepts and internal architecture.
Data communication between the logic component and DOM elements of an Angular application.
A high overview of Virtual Power Plants. How these centralised IT systems are allowing to control multiple units generating energy from a centralised Dashboard panel.
Access DOM elements directly using viewChild and Template Reference Variables.
The basics of the new regulation law for user privacy and information security inside the EU.
Notes from a webinar presentation about the future of the energy sector. Insights of the digital transformation that the energy industry is currently involved in.
This is the first entry on the website. An starting point to understand the beginning of the projecct.
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