
TypeScript Models

Miquel Canal

Tuesday 13, June 2017
  • Angular
  • Typescript

What is a data model in TypeScript?

Data models are models that help organize the internal data relations of an element. It is widely used across coding languages and is an essential tool to represent what data and what format needs to be used.

The base of TypeScript is to extend JavaScript by adding types to the language. This addition of types allows developers to define the format of data that is been used across the application. TypeScript model classes are a great example of this potential following an object-oriented approach.

Models in TypeScript can be referenced in other classes (components) to explicitly define the data format of an object. The following is a basic example where the a model class named “Server” is used on the “MonitorComponent” to create an array of available servers:

// Model
export class Server {
    private id: string;
    private ip: string;
    private account: string;
    private active = false;
    constructor( identification: string, ip: string, account: string ){ = identification;
        this.ip = ip;
        this.account = account;
    toggleStatus() { = !;

// Usecase to define a property of an external class
export class MonitorComponent {
    private servers: Array< Server >;
    constructor() {
        this.servers = [
            new Server('1', '', 'user_account_1'),
            new Server('2', '', 'user_account_2'),
            new Server('3', '', 'user_account_3')
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