

Miquel Canal

Tuesday 1, March 2016
  • Treeindev

Hey there and welcome!

This is the first page of the book. An introduction to these publications that collect information about software development, best practices and insights from the latest web technology.

In this site you will find some coding examples that are easy to copy and paste. I post them to help understand the context of a publication and because they come handy while I am writing code. There are thousands of websites that share code and this one is just another one of them.

I believe writing articles is one of the best way to learn. I am not an expert in most of the publications that I write on this website, but I find really helpful to research about a topic and write about it afterwards. I try to be as objective as possible while writing, but because I am human any opinion expressed on this site comes from a personal point of view.

Web technologies are rapidly evolving and they change very quickly. That is why it is important to keep publications up to date. If you find any outdated reference, feel free to contact me and I will be happy to update them.

Thank you for stopping by and see you around!

Environment Variables in Python

Environment Variables in Python

Environment variables are key to Software Development applications. This article reviews best practices for creating environment variables in Python.

What is Kotlin? Learn in 15 minutes

What is Kotlin? Learn in 15 minutes

Quick introduction to Kotlin programming language: what is Kotlin used for and which are the benefits of developing in Kotlin. This article covers the basic use cases for Kotlin and why it is so popular.

Introduction to Dart Programming Language

Introduction to Dart Programming Language

This article covers the basics of Dart, a programming language developed at Google. With a C-style syntax, Dart can be used to develop mobile apps, web application as well as desktop applications. The first step to learn Flutter is to understand its base.

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