
Data types in Flutter (Dart)

Miquel Canal

Friday 21, May 2021
  • Flutter
  • Programming Languages

Flutter Framework: Data Types in Dart

Flutter is a multi-platform framework using the Dart Programming Language. Here is the list of built-in data types that can be used in Flutter:

Flutter for Beginners: What is Flutter?

Flutter for Beginners: What is Flutter?

Flutter is a multi-platform framework built by Google and used to develop native applications for web, mobile and desktop from a single code base. Here we review key ideas, concepts and introduction Tutorials to Flutter.

Introduction to Dart Programming Language

Introduction to Dart Programming Language

This article covers the basics of Dart, a programming language developed at Google. With a C-style syntax, Dart can be used to develop mobile apps, web application as well as desktop applications. The first step to learn Flutter is to understand its base.

Flutter for Beginners: What is Flutter?

Flutter for Beginners: What is Flutter?

Flutter is a multi-platform framework built by Google and used to develop native applications for web, mobile and desktop from a single code base. Here we review key ideas, concepts and introduction Tutorials to Flutter.

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